Tuesday, December 1, 2015


TITLE: Midnight Pearls
TALE: The Little Mermaid
AUTHOR: Debbie Viguié
ALSO BY AUTHOR: Scarlet Moon, Violet Eyes

I reread Midnight Pearls very quickly because it's a fast-paced book. There are lots of different characters, all of them either likeable or hateable (you're supposed to hate them though).

We have not one but three mermaids under spells by the Sea Witch. Two are done voluntarily, one is forced. I liked that Faye gave up her voice, like the Little Mermaid, but Kale gave up his eyesight, and I liked the Sea Witch's questioning method to discover what "fee" to take.

I have very little critique for this book. The only element I really disliked was very brief. The Sea Witch comes from a people called Dryads, who have sea serpent tails. I really wish the author had chosen a different name. Dryads are TREE nymphs. Why not use one of the various types of Greek water nymphs? That bugged me.

My other criticism is that the book is TOO SHORT. It rushes by at breakneck speed. We get to know the characters, but I feel they could have been expanded upon a lot. This book could easily have been twice as long and still been a good read. It's still very enjoyable, but it left me wanting more.

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