Tuesday, December 1, 2015


TITLE: The Diamond Secret
TALE: Anastasia
AUTHOR: Suzanne Weyn
ALSO BY AUTHOR: The Night Dance, Water Song, The Crimson Thread

When did this theory that Anastasia's still alive come to be treated as a fairy tale? We've got the animated film and now this book is included in a fairy tale series. I just find it odd that an instance of actual historical and political theory has become equated with fairy tales. That said, this is Suzanne Weyn's best book in the series. For once, her need to make everything historical fiction actually fit the tale perfectly, because that's what it is. You can't really go wrong when there's no fairy tale to work from and she weaves a believable tale of two guys trying to find a girl to pose as Anastasia. Only as it turns out, she really IS Anastasia. The only thing I didn't care for was the ending. Ivan's about to get on a ship to America and Nadya/Anastasia just goes with him. She leaves behind the grandmother that she only just rediscovered, the only living remnant of her family, and runs off with this guy. Yeah, I do believe they love each other. We have an actual relationship with proper lead-up and development instead of love at first sight. I just don't believe that she'd abandon her grandmother with such ease. That didn't sit well with me.

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