Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Okay, GG #13 is Athena the Proud, in which we tackle their version of the labyrinth myth. Basically, Minos has built an amusement park with the help of Daedalus, who's 16 in this, and he invites 7 girls and 7 boys from Professor Ladon's classes to come visit the park for a special preview night before it opens. The students who go are mostly paired off as couples: Aphrodite and Ares, Persephone and Hades, Artemis and Actaeon, Medusa and Dionysus, Apollo and Cassandra (Pheme can't go due to a journalism conference, so she gives her place to Cassandra). Then we've got what should be Athena and Heracles, but is actually Heracles and his bratty cousin Theseus, with Athena and Pandora as the leftovers. Yeah, the main plot of the book is that Athena is upset Heracles is paying more attention to his cousin than to her. It's BORING. Then she thinks Daedalus's labyrinth is too easy, so she changes it and fucks up a lot of things. Ariadne is there and she's another disappointment because she's written as a total airhead, except for one shining moment of cleverness. Ariadne was the name I used in my Greek classes, so she's kind of a favorite of mine and that irked me. She's far from stupid.

The cover is also a disappointment. We've got Athena holding Ariadne's yarn, when he should have drawn Ariadne herself. Heracles has his club, which he didn't even bring with him, and these three were never in the labyrinth together in the entire book. He should make more of an effort to put new characters on the covers. It should be Athena in the foreground with Heracles and Theseus to one side and Ariadne and Daedalus on the other side. Then even though that scene never happened, at least we've got all the major characters included.

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