Wednesday, December 2, 2015

DESCENDANTS: Isle of the Lost

(ETA: I didn't do a full review on this, but this was my comment about the book. It's not especially detailed, but I'd like it here, because I'll definitely properly review the sequel.)

The book was way better than I expected. The movie trailers make it look campy fun, like Sky High which I LOVE, but the book is pretty serious. There are some light-hearted moments, but you can tell it's taking itself seriously.

The Isle people live a pretty depressing life. I mean, they live off garbage, basically. Yeah, they're villains, but their kids aren't. So why are the Auradon people okay with letting these kids eat garbage? I guess that's the point of the movie, that Ben realizes it's not fair.

The book focuses on the 4 Isle kids, plus Ben. Ben is more likeable than I expected, but I still prefer the villain kids. Carlos was my surprise favorite by, like, A LOT. I like Mal, Evie and Jay about equally, but none of them even comes close to Carlos. Mal's probably my second fave, followed by Evie (who's a bit naive) and Jay last. But they're so close, second, third and fourth really don't matter.

There are a lot of other villain kids on the Isle. I'm not going to make a list, because I'm lazy right now, but Lady Tremaine has a male child, the stepsisters have produced a bunch of "step-granddaughters," Gaston has twins named amusingly Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third, Hook has a daughter, Clayton from Tarzan has a kid. Nngh, can't recall any others off the top of my head. A lot of them have pets from the villain animals, like Flotsam and Jetsam, Lucifer and the hyenas from the Lion King.

I really enjoyed the book. It's a super fun read and much darker and bleaker than I imagined. I'm impressed!

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