Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Books Read:
-Caroline's collection 1-6
-Mysteries: Traitor in the Shipyard, The Traveler's Tricks, The Smuggler's Secrets

I found this from my personal LJ back in May: "I just finished Caroline #3 last night and I forgot how pissed it made me. Like when Caroline says she feels left out and Lydia and Rhonda say they invite her to do things, but Caroline acts like they're silly things. So what, she has to do what you do? She's allowed to not give a shit about hairstyles. SHE'S TEN. They were forcing their pastimes on her just as much as she tried to get Rhonda to skate. And Rhonda, you don't know you hate skating if you only try it fucking TWICE and give up after falling ONCE. But no, they never admit they were wrong, too. The closest we get to it is Rhonda trying again to skate with the chair at the end. I never really liked Lydia much."

That's the lowlight of the series.

I feel like we never really get to know Caroline that well. Her series is action-packed and we get a lot of her reacting to the events around her and we don't get into her head much in terms of anything but those events.

She's unusual in that she enjoys "feminine" pursuits like sewing a lot, but she also wants to be a ship's captain. That should have been explored a lot more.

I like the action episodes in her books. Her trip to her imprisoned father, her saving her dad, the potential burning of the shipyard. There are some standout moments there, but I still just do not connect to her as a character.

The mysteries are probably the best books in the series. All three of them are quite different and very good. We've got the traitor in the shipyard one, then travelling with a thief, and a smuggler, which is sort of like the traitor one, but it takes place at the farm, so it's a different cast and setting.

Her books are enjoyable, but she pales in comparison with the earlier characters and I'd rank her almost the lowest in the entire series. I'm not sure if Marie-Grace/Cecile are lower or not. I'll know in a little bit, as I think they're next after Josefina.

Actually, I'm going to start ranking these to encourage myself to read them faster.

AG Best to Least Best (they're too good to be called "Worst") Historical Ranking:

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