Tuesday, December 1, 2015


TITLE: Wild Orchid
TALE: Mulan
AUTHOR: Cameron Dokey
ALSO BY AUTHOR: The Storyteller's Daughter, Beauty Sleep, Sunlight and Shadow, Golden, Before Midnight, Belle, Winter's Child, The World Above

Wild Orchid is possibly my favorite from this series. (Well, to be fair, this series that I've read so far. I haven't done Winter's Child, The World Above or Violet Eyes yet.) I'd have to read it, Before Midnight and Beauty Sleep one right after the other to really pick a fave, but this one is excellent. I love that it spends so much time developing the characters of Mulan, Li Po, Mulan's dad, the general, and a little bit of Zao Xing (I think that's her name. I have trouble remembering Chinese names and I'm too lazy to go back downstairs and get the book.) before doing the whole "girl goes to war in place of her dad" bit. I do wish they'd done a bit more with the three princes, but they come in during the war parts and I get that those need to focus mostly on the war. I loved when Min Xian told Mulan her mother's name before Mulan rode off to war, and I loved the meaning of Mulan's name and her mother's name. I think this is a perfect example of what the Once Upon a Time books should strive to be.

Wild Orchid is the last book with this style cover. The photo covers are very pretty, but I actually really enjoyed these original covers.

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