Thursday, December 19, 2019

REREAD REVIEW: Goddess Girls 3

UK cover
Here's what I had to say the first time:

"The third book features Aphrodite having some love problems. A lot of the boys like her, obviously, but she likes Ares most, though she can't really figure out why, because he's kind of a bully. She gives Athena a makeover and Ares pays a ton of attention to her, so Aphrodite gets jealous. She's also dealing with the affections of Hephaestus, who she only likes as a friend. And to top it off, a mortal comes to her for some love advice. So she spends the book trying to help the mortal, trying to figure out how to tell Hephaestus they should just be friends, and patching up her friendship with Athena. Aphrodite realizes that Ares is pretty much an ass by the end of the book, but he, like Medusa, is one of those characters that ends up redeemed(ish) later on. Aphrodite is a fun character because she's an interesting mix of typical beauty and OCD. She likes everything in her room just so, and that's one of the reasons she's so focused on her appearance, too."

German cover

Honestly, I don't have too much to add to that, but I'm committed to doing posts for all these books that I have cool international covers to show off.

You wouldn't think I'd like a book on Aphrodite so much. It really is a mystery why she ever liked Ares, because early Ares is a dick. He's just a bully and even goes around with two other bullies to back him up. Kydoimos we met last time, but now Makhai is introduced as well. The Makhai in myth were actually plural. They're battle demons, children of Eris. Kydoimos is likely a Makhai himself. I wish they'd used Alala (war cry), too, but I guess the gorgons are enough female bullies.
Sadly, the last of the cute Indonesian covers.

I don't think there are any other new named male characters. We do get one new female: Aglaia. In myth, Aglaia is one of the three Graces and wife to Hephaestus. So it makes sense that she appears at the end of the book as a new love interest for Hephaestus.

I really like Hephaestus in this series. He's one of the only...if not actually the only...depictions of the god that isn't like some buff dwarf from a role-playing game. He's a scrawny little thing instead. And one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and caring boys in the series.

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