Thursday, December 26, 2019

American Girl of the Year: Lindsey

2001 marked the beginning of American Girl's Girl of the Year line. Each year, one new character would be introduced and her doll would only be available for a single year. These girls were modern girls, not historical ones.

Lindsey Bergman was the first and she became the first Jewish American Girl character, years before Rebecca debuted.

Lindsey's book is the most wild ride in American Girl history. It was like they took every wacky incident they couldn't put into the historical girls and put them into Lindsey. She is the very definition of "act without thinking" and her book is one instance of crazy after another. I think it may have been too much for the AG people, because the author doesn't seem to have ever written another thing at all and none of the other GotY girls are anything like Lindsey.

I regret not reading this when it came out and I definitely regret not getting her doll. Someday, Lindsey! She's actually one of my favorite GotYs, because of her over the top take on life, her short hair, her love of dachshunds, and her bold-colored outfit.

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