Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Little Mermaid: King Triton, Beware!

Another simple, but a bit crazy, plot. The circus is in town and Ariel leads her sisters over to check it out while they're setting up. The meet the merseer, or actually her replacement, who predicts a couple minor things, then says the crown of King Triton will be toppled.

Naturally, there's a debate among the sisters over whether to believe in the merseer or not, but on the way home, both of her minor predictions come true.

So just to be safe, all the mermaids keep an eye on the circus and what better way to do so than to join it? They start training to take part in the act as a surprise for Triton.

Chaos ensues during the show and the king's crown is indeed toppled...as in bumped off his head briefly.

My favorite part is seeing intelligent, well-read Attina be skeptical. After her not so bright showing in Ariel the Spy, she needed to look smarter.

Also, the roles each mermaid plays in the circus are fun. Ariel is a daredevil who gets shot out of a whale's blowhole. Arista works with sea horses, Alana with dogfish, and Aquata with sharks. Athletic Andrina goes with the acrobats. Attina becomes the magician's assistant and poor Adella is a clown, which she hates.

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