Sunday, July 2, 2017

DEAR AMERICA: Shirtwaist Worker

I'm going to say right off that this isn't a bad book, but it was hard for me to get through.

It's yet another immigrant book.

Yet another immigrant book set in New York City. (I love New York, but I'm tired of it after all these!)

And it's yet another factory book.

There are two subjects in history that really don't interest me. The first is factory work. It sucks. We get it. I don't need eight books to tell me that it sucks. The second is suffrage, which I'm going to be groaning my way through shortly. Trails are another that I'm not too fond of, but that was mostly because I had to slog through how many of them in a row?

Anyway. Angela's Italian family are good characters and I like her and her friend Sarah. It's just tough to read something that you know isn't going to end well, because you guessed it, this ends with the Triangle fire.

Unfortunately, I'm just beginning a run of This Does Not End Well. The next three are about the Titanic and then we've got the last of the Royal Dairies, which is Anastasia's. It pains me to read things about her, so I may just skim that one! I'll be combining the Titanic books into one big entry, because why not? We've got the Dear America, Dear Canada and I Am Canada versions of the story. I can't remember if I've actually ever read the I Am Canada one. I know there were some of those I got around the time I decided to start this reread/review and I never read them.

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