Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Anna Kirwan only contributed one other book to the DA family: Lady of Palenque, which I enjoyed mostly because it was something not European. Victoria's book is well-written, though I won't say it isn't tedious and frustrating.

The tedious part is that nothing much really happens. This takes place when she's so young that it isn't that interesting. And Kirwan decided Victoria used the "v." abbreviation for "very," which I find VERY annoying, because "very" is such a short word that it doesn't need to be abbreviated. There was one short entry that had at least six v. uses and just UGH.

The frustrating part is that Victoria hates Sir John Conroy, who her mother lets control every little thing, and she dislikes his spying, tattling daughter, but you never see the comeuppance you want, because it doesn't happen until she's eighteen. I so wanted to see her give him what for, but nope. Off-page.

A decent addition to RD, but nothing spectacular.

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