Saturday, September 24, 2016

DEAR AMERICA: Alta California

I enjoyed this one much more than Sherry Garland's other contribution to the DA series, which was the Alamo book.

The lifestyle of the family has some similar elements with American Girl Josefina, but the Medinas are high class and the women don't work, so that's a huge difference. Rosalia is just a servant though, so she does work similar to what Josefina and her sisters did. I love all the characters and the book is very good.

Unlike the Alamo book, which was depressing at the end, Rosalia gets a fairy tale ending, which I won't spoil here. The epilogue has the more depressing stuff in it, with the collapse of the Medina farm thanks to Americans just coming in and doing whatever they want, even though all the citizens of California should now be American, and Rosalia's death in the San Francisco earthquake. She didn't die at a young age, but these epilogues with dramatic character death happening off-page are always a bit jarring for me.

Definitely one of the series I recommend though. It's a good read.

Next up: the Donner party. Hoo boy.

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