Friday, July 29, 2016

ROYAL DIARIES: Marie Antoinette

I'm going to be honest here. I've read this one several times and I didn't feel like rereading it. I guess I'm in the mood for American history right now and not the decadent world of Marie Antoinette.

The book is quite enjoyable and thankfully takes place when she's younger. I got a few pages into it and the opulent lifestyles just weren't catching my attention, so I decided to just give it a generic thumbs up and move on to Revolutionary War America. Heh.

But if you're interested in Marie Antoinette, definitely check this one out. And there's a book about her daughter in the Beneath the Crown series (The Princess in the Tower) that's also worth reading.

I do love that cover though. It's gorgeous. The rerelease cover? Not so much. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but she looks far too old. (I was going to have more pictures here, but with the minimal text, the formatting is being a bitch, so yeah, no more pics.)

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