Sunday, July 31, 2016

MY NAME IS AMERICA: Revolutionary War Patriot

Barry Denenberg has written many books for the Dear America series. He's done five for Dear America and was one of only two male writers for the female-led series. He only did two for MNIA, this one and Ben Uchida's. He also wrote one Royal Diary for Elisabeth.

This is an enjoyable book in an unusual format. Instead of the typical day by day journal entries, the book is divided into section with different topic headings. I think it works because it seems to fit the narrator's character well.

There are interesting characters here and some action-packed Patriot moments, but there's not a lot of meat to the story. It felt really short and a lot of the characters just appear out of nowhere with no real background. I do like it, but I think if it had been longer, it would have been much better.

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