Saturday, April 9, 2016


Well, new-ish. I've had this a couple months, I think, and only just got around to reading it.

I adore Josefina and all her family members. This book has everything I loved about her other books, so it's another great one. And Francisca is full of her usual sass. She's my favorite sister. I think it used to be Clara, but now it's totally Francisca. I'm so her, except with the beauty-obsessed stuff. I don't wanna weave. Ugh. Guests make extra work. Ooh, dancing is fun! Yeah, that's me.

There are a few mysteries going on at the same time. One of them, involving Tia Dolores, is really obvious. Although back in Josefina's time, it probably would have been less obvious to a child her age in her situation. She's not a one-room cabin girl where things are a little harder to hide. The other two are a bit less obvious, but I still had them figured out pretty quickly. It doesn't take away any enjoyment of the book though.

I just love Josefina. I feel like I never say much about her, because all I'm really capable of is love. She makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

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