Monday, March 19, 2018


I'm a big fan of supernatural non-fiction books and I was pleased to discover this series, based on podcasts, on Amazon.

The first volume covers Monstrous Creatures, but they're not all monsters. There are definitely some ghosts and more folkloric creatures in there.

I don't listen to podcasts, but apparently, the majority of the chapters are word-for-word transcripts of them, so if you've listened to them, this may not be for you.

Also, if you're a stickler about more formal language for books, don't buy this. It's like listening to someone talk, which is one thing I really like about it. He's got some great dramatic endings to some of these chapters that work just as well in print as spoken, but when you're reading it, you can imagine him talking to you, telling you these stories.

I loved this a lot and am looking forward to the next two: Wicked Mortals (late May) and Dreadful Places (early October).

They are expensive though. My advice is to catch them marked down, which Amazon does a lot.

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