Thursday, December 21, 2017


I was wandering around Target's book section tonight and a pink book with fairies on the cover jumped out at me. It was a bind-up of four short chapter books about the Superfairies.

The Superfairies are a diverse foursome of fairies whose job it is to protect the forest animals. There's an alarm the animals can sound that summons them, and they have a strawberry-shaped computer that tells them what the problem is. Then they fly off in their helicopter (yes, really, but it still manages to be cute) to save the day.

Each fairy also has a special power. Rose has healing kisses, Berry has super eyesight (and as such is the pilot), Silk can spin strong webs that she usually makes ladders out of, and Star creates light.

Each of the four books in the bind-up is about a different season. The spring book has them rescuing a baby bear. The summer one features a wild pony that ran away because she lost confidence in her dancing ability and the big Summer Fair is that day. She always wins the dance contest and basically the pressure got to her. The autumn book was my favorite because it had the gorgeous Autumn Fairy in it. She caused a huge storm that had the animals suffering so the Superfairies took them all to their cherry blossom tree to stay the night, while they dressed up and went off to have a chat with the Autumn Fairy about maybe taking it down a notch. The winter book was more like the spring one, just a simple rescue of an animal that had done something reckless.

The art in the book is absolutely precious. I'm a sucker for fairies and there are some elements of Disney Fairies and Pixie Hollow here, as well as some Flower Fairies. Even though the stories are quite simple (5-8 years, grades 1-3), I enjoyed them.

The bind-up is a great deal on Amazon at $6.32 right now. There are also two more books that came out in August 2016 and two more coming out on January 1st, but I'm waiting for the second bind-up that will have all four of those. It comes out on March 1st.

Definitely a cute series if you like fairies!

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