Thursday, June 8, 2017


I think this was the first Dear Canada I ever read, though I'm not positive.

I love this one. It's written by the daughter of the family with the Home Girl, not the Home Girl herself, who really wouldn't have much time to write in a diary.

Victoria is obviously a well-to-do girl, but she's still a likeable character. She's like Triffie from a few books ago, although not as wealthy. Victoria wants to be a writer and her diary reflects that well, because her writing is very engaging.

The entire cast of characters is well-rounded and interesting. Few go without a backstory or development.

The action and drama are fun, but also believable, unlike some of the other DA series books.

Definitely a high recommend for this one. The follow-up Christmas story is also a nice addition, because that is written by the Home Girl herself, not Victoria. Marianna is given a diary by Victoria and she does find a little time to write in it, although she mentions that she doesn't have much free time, still having her duties to perform.

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