Thursday, May 11, 2017


A good entry into the series, but not one of the most interesting. There's only so much you can tell about cowboys. I think it's one of those things that needs to be seen rather than read about to fully grasp it.

It's also tough to write about a town like Abilene, Kansas when you're writing for a kids' series. 

It is nice to see a black character treated almost the same as the white and Mexican cowboys right off the bat. Almost. But that shortly after the Civil War, it's a lot more than you'd expect.

Not gonna lie though, I did tear up when he had to put his horse out of its misery. Animal death always gets me, so consider yourself warned about that.

Walter Dean Myers was a celebrated and prolific author and contributed three books to the My Name Is America series, of which this one is the first. 

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