Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I started out not liking this book. Tessa is embodying her stereotypical Taurian trait of stubbornness by not believing the speculation that it is Lady Stella herself who is sabotaging the SDs. The others have more split opinions. Scarlet and Cassie have teamed up and are searching for more information that will prove Ophelia was telling the truth and that it is Lady Stella. Sage is on Tessa's side, although that's only briefly mentioned. Leona actually sides with Scarlet, saying that she knew Ophelia best and didn't think she was lying.

Tessa decides to join Scarlet and Cassie's investigation, hoping to find proof that Lady Stella is innocent. However, she does this in a very underhanded and manipulative manner. She takes Cassie along with her to bake some cupcake things (I forget the Starland name) and actually holds the tray of finished cupcakes above Cassie's head and says Cassie can have as many as she wants if she tells Tessa what she and Scarlet are up to. She uses this tactic because it worked on Gemma when she was little. Yes, she not only does the asshole move of mocking someone's height, she treats Cassie like a little child. And the main reason she goes for this tactic instead of actually treating Cassie as a friend and equal? Because she got too wrapped up in fucking baking and forgot to say anything until now. So instead of doing it nicely, she decides to jump right into this behavior.

Tessa was already annoying me, because her main characteristics in the early chapters are her being easily distracted and disorganized, two things that don't exactly endear people to me. Then she pulled this crap with Cassie to make up for her own failings at investigating and I was pissed. It isn't Leona-level bad, but it's the second-worst thing I've seen any of these girls do.

However, Tessa has some cute bonding moments with Scarlet down in the caves and that made me like her a little better. She's at least not squeamish about the obviously cute bats like Cassie is. Like I've seen that glowfur thing she has as a pet. Anyone who has one of those shouldn't be scared of a bat.

There is some interesting discussion involving Lady Cordial, who I still believe to be behind all this, but the girls don't even think about her being a suspect because nobody takes her seriously. It's also her that blurts out about the energy crisis right before Tessa's mission. It's hard for me to keep track of what's been revealed, since I had the early version of Sage's book first and read it a few times, but this is new information to the girls. (It had been upfront in the earlier version.)

Tessa is chosen for the next mission and it's a good one. I like that it's summertime and she's volunteering at an animal shelter. Her special power is communicating with animals, which is cool. She was very good on Wishworld and that helped make up for how angry I was with her earlier. Adora comes down to help her and I know she's going to be one of my favorites. She's calm, cool, collected, logical and methodical, all things I respect.

The book ends with a little cliffhanger. Tessa, Scarlet and Cassie find a secret place in the caves where old books are hidden and they find the one about the prophecy. Then they get locked in, but if you read the sneak peek at Adora's book, Cassie's sent out a hololetter so you know they'll get out.

I still really dislike what Tessa did to Cassie. That's not how you treat a friend and teammate. But she managed to get my liking her by the end of the book. She just better not do anything that horrible ever again.

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