Sunday, December 2, 2018


How cute does Amy look on this cover? She's adorable. Lisa, too.

Remember last book when Palmer was a bitch? The main plot of this book is her continuing along that line.

Amy gets a giant poster of her pen pal, Simmie, and Palmer is dying of envy, because she seems much more suited to him than Amy does. (Which is true.)

Palmer is staying away from Suite 3D more than usual because she's made friends with a girl a year older. Germaine is a conniving spoiled rich girl, just like Palmer. So the two put their heads together and Palmer starts secretly writing to Simmie, designing herself as his perfect girl. She takes a look at this questionnaire of favorites all the boys filled out and matches her answers with his.

The main drama of the book is Palmer enticing Simmie away from Amy under the guise of a secret admirer. When Amy and the others find out, they're furious and Palmer realizes she messed up. Amy's a good ice skater and Palmer goes after her on the ice, only to sprain her ankle and have to miss out on the winter festival, which is where she'd arranged to meet Simmie, saying she'd be wearing a yellow skit suit.

Funny how her so-called friend Germaine ALSO ordered a yellow ski suit. And how she turns up, knowing Palmer is hurt, and tries to steal Simmie for herself.

Thankfully, Amy's on hand to save the day and the girls reconcile and switch pen pals.

Amy's main drama for the book isn't even the Simmie thing. It's that she's playing guitar for a girl in the talent show, helping her rehearse and they get the idea to play an original song, which Amy has to write. She struggles with lyrics until she reads a poem by Palmer's original pen pal, John Adams. She and John end up getting along very well and they're perfectly happy to be new pen pals.

Lisa's drama is that she took an idea from her pen pal Rob and got in academic trouble for it, because she used it the wrong way. She stupidly blames him, he rightly gets pissed. And then they make up while building an "abominable snowperson" in the snow sculpture contest. There's also possibly a hint at problems in the future, because she's not happy her older brother is seeing Shanon's friend Kate, who Lisa doesn't like.

Shanon, who had the big drama in the first book, is thankfully drama-free this time. She and pen pal Mars have a great time at the festival and she's writing more articles for the paper.

Palmer seems to be better at the end of the book, but will she get back up to her old bitchy tricks? We'll see!

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