Sunday, December 24, 2017


Josie's the WWII homefront girl. There's a theft on her farm, her older brother's acting weird and hasn't enlisted, and Josie spends far too much time trying to come up with something that will make her look awesome so people can see that their family contributed to the war effort after all.

This one's got a mystery, but that really doesn't make it any more interesting. It's just sort of blah.

Poor Rosa is being forced to audition for part after part by her mother, who's obsessed with making her a child star. The problem is she's too old to be a child star. After enduring getting a perm, Rosa successfully makes it through an audition and gets an extra role, which will help support her and her mother for another few weeks.

Her mother's a shitty character who's too afraid to audition herself and becomes Stage Momzilla because of that. She also constantly calls Rosa "sweeties," which drives me absolutely insane because it's a fucking plural word.

Rosa comes out on top in the end and learns what her true dream really is. She's a good character, but putting up with her mother was a strain that kept me from finishing this book for weeks.

This is the third pro-South Civil War book. Didn't Kathleen Duey get the concept of there being two sides to the Civil War?

Maddie isn't for slavery, but she comes from a family that owns slaves.

However, her entire book is spent selfishly trying to keep her horse out of Yankee hands as opposed to helping her mother and the others hide food so they don't all starve.

She helps out a wounded Yankee in the end and learns to be a little more selfless, but it's a little too late for me. She still reads as a spoiled brat.

Only four more of these to go! I figured I'd make this the section of three and the final section the remaining four, because I haven't completely forgotten Josie's plot yet. Although I do plan on knocking these other four out over the next couple days.

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