Tuesday, September 19, 2017


These next two American Sisters may as well my titled "My family members are useless twunts."

Duck, the girl from the Wagon Road book, lost her mom and her dad turned into a solid ass. Her older sisters are all nasty bitches. The boys are barely characters, except for the one that ends up dying. Duck eventually does some day-saving, but it's yet another trail book and I'd say skip it and read Dear America instead. I'm not here for this nasty sister shit.

Eda from the Colorado book also has bitchy sisters, but she's got delusional parents, too. Her father went broke back in Pennsylvania, so he brought the family to look for gold with him. Her mother still acts like she's in high society and spends the majority of the book being a completely useless moron. Her oldest sister has one leg shorter than the other and a screwed up foot and lords everything over everyone, expecting to be waited on constantly. Her other older sister is not so bad, but she's like the mother a bit and still trying to do things the society way. The father does stupid things. The mother does stupid things. The two sisters get a bit better by the end. Also, the book's title is misleading, because the majority of it is the four females sitting around in a cabin or a tent, not crossing the Rockies.

Man, I remember this series being better than this. Might end up selling these!

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