Monday, October 17, 2016

MY AMERICA: Freedom from Slavery

Corey's trilogy includes Freedom's Wings, Flying Free and Message in the Sky.

Corey is a slave who was secretly taught to read and write by his father. His diaries are one of the few in the entire series where he freely lets other people read them. The first one contains lists of words he spelled wrong, so he can learn to spell them properly. It's a bit distracting, but it does make it feel more like something real.

Corey captures his journey to freedom and the aftermath very well. He's got an unintentionally poetic style of writing in some entries. He's also quite skilled with birds, which is an interesting talent for a nine-year-old.

This trilogy is Sharon Dennis Wyeth's only DA series contribution. I was familiar with her name, so I assumed she'd written more, but I know of her because she wrote Pen Pals, part of the 80s/90s girl book series boom.

Corey's books bring us two-fifths of the way through my Dear America reread. I am taking a break from them until after I get back from my vacation. I need to whittle down some of my other book piles before diving back into DA!

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