Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DEAR CANADA: Hudson's Bay Company

Julie Lawson contributed three books to the Dear Canada series. I enjoyed her writing style quite a bit and though nothing major happened to Jenna, the story was still engaging and interesting.

Jenna lives in Fort Edmonton with her paternal aunt from Scotland and her maternal grandmother, who's Cree. She learns her aunt is going to marry and the three of them will travel to a different fort. She ends up getting bored there and wants to attend a boarding school at Fort Vancouver, so off she goes.

Jenna's always seeking adventure and getting into trouble, because many times, she does what she wants, which requires her to break the rules of the school. She's very different from the other girls attending the school and I feel like some more attention could have been given to her 1/4 Cree heritage, because I don't recall her ever really digging into that with them.

The book is a fun read, but not as educational as others in the series.

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