Friday, June 24, 2016

Lights on the Nile

Donna Jo Napoli is the author of Bound, which I reviewed here already. I've also recently read part of Sirena by her, but chose not to finish the book, so it didn't get reviewed. I have another by her in my giant pile of books. She writes historical fiction and reimagined fairy tales, amongst other things.

Lights on the Nile of course intrigued me, because I've got a degree in Egyptology. As is typical of fiction authors, she made some odd choices, but overall, I really enjoyed the book. The tone is definitely modern, but you get used to it.

I don't want to say too much about it because spoilers, but I enjoyed all of it up until the sandstorm. After that, the ending becomes kind of rushed and convoluted. It was like Napoli knew where she wanted the characters to end up, but didn't quite get them there logically.

Still, it's worth a read if you're interested in ancient Egypt and this one has an ending you really won't expect, because it's something most people don't associate with Egypt.

Bonus points for Set being Kepi's patron god and him not being portrayed as OMG EVIL.

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