Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Every year I swear I say the same thing and vow to read my Goddess Girls books faster, but they somehow get lost and lost and lost in my reading piles. They only come out once a year now. Shame on you, self. 

Well, not this time! Yesterday was the release of #26 and I received it in the mail today, so I sat down and read #25 cover to cover without stopping for much. 

#25 features Clotho, the youngest of the Fates. I love Goddess Girls and I do know not to expect accurate Greek myth ever, but the way they did the Fates was kind of odd. The three Fates are Clotho who spins the thread, Lachesis who measures it, and Atropos who cuts it. You'd think they'd be born in the order of their roles, but this book has Atropos as the eldest at 13, Lachesis is 12 and Clotho is 11. So what exactly did the older ones do until Clotho was born? Considering their important role to mankind, they'd have to predate the birth of man. You'd think. Man couldn't be running around without the Fates at work. Anyway. I need to not think about it too much. 

So Clotho is the Asian-looking Fate, Lachesis is black and Atropos is the redhead. The image on the book's spine is always of its main character. Yet the image on Clotho's Lachesis. Odd. 

Plot-wise, it's your typical rebellious youngest sister tired of being bossed around by the two older ones. Thankfully, most of the book is Clotho on her own. Zeus has rules for them and she's breaking #3, which says not to hang out with mortals, by going to the Immortal Marketplace for the first time. 

The book neatly reintroduces all the main characters from the series through Clotho's eyes. She meets most of them at the grand opening of Game On! a new IM store. 

The story blends the myths of the Calydonian Boar Hunt and Tantalus while also looking back at Arachne and giving her story a happy ending. Not the most deserved happy ending. She's still mostly bitchy, but she's getting better.  

I liked Clotho a lot and the book was fast-paced. Most of it takes place in a single day. There was one major plothole. Each Fate takes her turn picking where they do their nightly work of deciding the fates of men. It was about to be Clotho's turn, but Atropos ends up going twice. It's not on plot purpose, just a legit proof-reading error and minor nitpicking on my part. I like to mention these things in case anyone else goes "Huh? I thought she had her turn last night" and pages back to that part like I did. 

Naturally, there's a happy ending and I really enjoyed this one. It was a lot of fun. What's different about right now is that I'm about to crack open #26 and I will likely have it finished later tonight. Then I'm going to read the Little Goddess Girls books, too! And then finally get to Skade's Thunder Girls book because I keep forgetting I never did! And I love Skade, so it makes no sense. 

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