Sunday, July 5, 2020

BSC Covers: Spanish Edition

I was just checking Amazon to see if there were any new BSC listings and I stumbled across the amazing Spanish covers.

Seriously, look at Stacey. She looks 25.

Even Kristy, who looks the youngest, still looks like 15 or 16.

This is cute, but she still doesn't look 13.

And here's bombshell Stacey again.

Gah, Charlotte is adorable.

Ah, yes, Mary Anne taking the temperature of the happiest child with a super high fever.

Also, that's way too casual for Jenny Prezzioso.

And here's Dawn giving Stacey a run for her money. I think she actually looks sexier than Stacey. Maybe it's the off the shoulder top. Not sure why that's paired with almost Mom jeans, but she somehow makes it work.

Here's a bookmark with some great name changes. I don't think these stuck, because I did the "look inside" thing on Amazon and they seemed to have the correct names.

Lucy McDouglas, y'all.

Mallory apparently had the only completely acceptable name.


She's really, really cute. Just looks a couple years too old.

Mary Anne

She looks younger here than on the covers, but still too old.




Definitely in her 20s.


Also too old, but not quite as bad as Stacey. Dawn could be like 18, 19.



OMG, so cute. Not eleven, by any means, but this is definitely believable as like 15-year-old Mal.


And her fabulous hair. She's older-looking than Mallory. More on par with Dawn. 17, 18. somewhere in there.

Man, these are great. Kinda makes me wish these were for graphic novels, but they're just Spanish-language versions of the books.

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