Sunday, September 22, 2019

BSC Graphic Novels: Boy-Crazy Stacey

The seventh offering in the BSC graphic novel series takes on the original series' eighth book, leaving #2 Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls as the only one not covered. It's Mary Anne's turn next, so I'm wondering if we might meet Logan soon!

Anyway, Boy-Crazy Stacey follows Mary Anne and Stacey on the Pikes' annual trip to the small beach town of Sea City, New Jersey. It's your typical beach town with a boardwalk, etc. but I always love stuff like that, so those elements were great.

The main plot is Stacey ignoring her charges to flirt with Scott, a lifeguard that she thinks likes her back. I haven't read the original book in forever, but I just used Google to fact check and Scott was 18 in the book. Here they've lowered his age to 15, which is a more reasonable age for a crush, and he's way less of a dick. No sending Stacey on random errands. They just talk.

This one isn't anywhere near as hilarious as Kristy's Big Day or as emotional as Dawn and the Impossible Three. It's a bit of fluff, but hey, at least we get out of Stoneybrook for a while. Not that we've seen much of it yet...

My only real gripe is that Mallory is now a BSC member. They moved those events up in the graphic novels. But while she isn't here as an official babysitter, she could still be in more scenes with the older girls, as they're supposed to be actual friends now. They've changed the events around a bit, so why not give Mal some more screentime? She needs her own volume, too. And we need Jessi! I want Jessi before the graphic novel series ends, which I hope it doesn't anytime soon.

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