Friday, May 17, 2019

24 Hours in Ancient Rome

I actually came on here to do a completely different review, saw my last one for 24 Hours in Ancient Egypt, and realized I never did one for the Rome version.

Remember how I complained about the terrible lack of editing and the constant repetition in the Egypt book?

Not an issue here.

This author, who is a different person, doesn't constantly say "a couple of."

The chapters were even better tied together than the Egyptian ones. Quite impressively so. And the use of original source material was fabulous.

My only criticism of the book is that sometimes it gets a little textbooky and takes you out of the "day in the life" sense. While very informative, some of the chapters had so much factual detail that you forgot who the character was that you were supposed to be following along through that hour of the day. But that's a very minor criticism in comparison with what I had to say about the Egyptian book!

I am pleased to conclude that this same author will be tackling 24 Hours in Ancient Athens, which is the next book in this delightful series, due out on August 1st.

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