Thursday, March 10, 2016


Lady of Palenque is an excellent Royal Diary. I really love learning about cultures I know very little about and she gives great details mostly.

The book chronicles the Lady's travels from her home in Palenque (modern name) to Copan (modern name to make looking them up on maps easier). Its only real fault, once you get used to her repeating everyone's long names/titles a bit too often, is that the journey takes up 90% of the book. I wanted to see more of her married life and learn about daily life details, but basically, they finally arrive in Copan and the book's done. So the constantly journeying gets a bit tedious and you really just want to meet her betrothed and you do for five seconds and then it's over. Also, because she's so separated from her family, you don't really get close to any characters but her. Still very worth the read and automatically a good addition to the series, because anything not European is nice.

Anna Kirwan has only written two Royal Diaries, this one and Victoria's. She did no Dear America books. Fans of historical fiction series may have read one of her other series though. She wrote the Juliet books for Girlhood Journeys and she did the second Portraits book, Of Flowers and Shadows, which I can't remember at all, even though I know I have both of the books in that series.

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